30 Journal Writing Prompts

for Prayer and Spiritual Growth

Use these prompts to help you explore your spiritual life. These 30 prompts, used one at a time, can enrich your journaling practice and personal prayer. 

  • How can I amplify to the world what is in my heart? What would I say if given the chance?

  • Who are my biggest “she-roes” and heroes and how have they helped me to grow as a person? What have they taught me about life, love and God?

  • What do women in particular have to offer my faith community and our church? In what ways can I support the role of women as leaders in the church?

  • Name 5 things you are grateful for, describing how they enrich your life.

  • What gives you a sense of wonder? How does wonder help you to experience God’s presence?

  • How does surrounding yourself in nature help you to “see” or “hear” God in a special way?

  • Where do you feel God’s presence the strongest?

  • Lord, help me not to worry about…

  • What is your favorite new testament story about Jesus and why?

  • Sit near an object or creature in nature and just observe, listen and notice its intricate detail and beauty. Relax with it, sketch it, write about it. How does it help you to open yourself to God’s glorious creation?

  • What 5 things do you most appreciate in your spouse, children or dear friend? How do these relationships help you to be a better person?

  • Imagine yourself sitting at Jesus’ feet while he teaches the crowds. What does he say that speaks to your heart?

  • Who in your life most resembles (resembled) Jesus to you? What does/did this person teach you about life, love, mercy & laughter?

  • Name 1 thing you’re struggling with and explore its many facets. Write as if you’re talking to Jesus directly. How does Jesus respond to you?

  • Recall a really great homily or sermon you’ve heard. What was the message and how did it change your perspective?

  • What is your favorite thing to do when you have a moment to yourself? How does this activity help you to rejuvenate and focus on what is most important?

  • What has challenged you recently? How have you handled it, what is it teaching you and how is it helping you to grow?

  • How has your definition of love evolved over your lifetime? How have your life experiences and the life of Jesus influenced your perspective?

  • Recall a moment when you really felt god’s presence. Describe it and how it has helped you.

  • In what ways does your favorite pet help you to feel closer to God? What does your pet teach you about love and forgiveness?

  • How do you see God? Describe an image of God that resonates with you the most. How does this image help your relationships with God and others?

  • Who was your biggest role model in the faith growing up? How has this person influenced your life spiritually and otherwise?

  • What is your relationship with silence? How can silence enrich your prayer life and daily life?

  • What is your favorite Hebrew Bible story (Old Testament) and why?

  • In what ways does laughter contribute to a deep sense of joy? What makes you laugh? Who in your life helps you to laugh when you need it?

  • How did Jesus teach us about humility? Lord, help me to live more humbly day to day by…

  • Lord, thank you for creating…

  • Lord, give me wisdom for…

  • Lord, help __________ (my spouse, my child, my mom, my dad, my friend) with…

  • Lord, help me to discern (to prayerfully make a decision) about…