The Grace That Overflows
Mabel Salem “Gigi” (1915-2006)
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my husband’s deceased grandmother, Gigi. A first-generation Lebanese woman in an arranged marriage, Gigi lived her life in maternal service and devotion to her husband, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Deeply faithful, Gigi prayed the rosary daily and attended Mass devotedly. A small woman with a bigger-than-life personality, Gigi always had a funny story to tell, loved to play (and sometimes cheat) at Cribbage, laughed often and had some of the best facial expressions imaginable. She always, and I mean always, offered food when she saw you. She often cooked Lebanese feasts from scratch but would tell us we were having fried chicken. When we left her home, she would undoubtedly say, with a giggle, “Don’t stop at any bars!” Even as a granddaughter-in-law, I received full embraces and kisses from her, as did my children.
Gigi lived her life with joyful hope. It was a hope that comes to mind with the season of Advent. Like Gigi, we can approach the incarnation of God in Christ with joyful expectation. For Christ brings a grace that overflows and fills us to the brim, expanding our hearts. Gigi knew a thing or two about filling one’s heart with love and laughter, much like she always filled our bellies from her table. And she’d say, “Sahtain!” (an Arabic expression meaning to eat in double health). So let us approach Advent in joyful (double) hope, receiving the grace that overflows.