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Faith, Grit, Grace Jane Feliz Rush Faith, Grit, Grace Jane Feliz Rush

Grit Should Be Named a Virtue

Two women, separated in life by over 2,000 years, shared a characteristic that emboldened them to speak truth in the midst of threatening circumstances. Looking back at the lives of my mother, Patricia, and St. Mary Magdalene, I recognize their grit. Living in two drastically different worlds, these women responded to injustice despite cultural and social expectations of silent submission. Raised by one, I encountered the other in the pages of scripture.

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Mary, Grace, Theotokos Jane Feliz Rush Mary, Grace, Theotokos Jane Feliz Rush

A Space for God: Mary’s Gift

In Mary’s first-century Mediterranean and Judean world, she lived to bring honor to her father and family. Yet, when asked by God to bear the Messiah, she fully consented to all that lay ahead, giving space for God, even though the consequences as an unmarried woman could be grave. Mary’s world was, in no way, a world like ours in the West today where women have minds of their own. To better understand Mary’s yes, we will consider Mary as God-Bearer, Contemplative and Prophet.

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