Church Renewal: Welcome to the Synodal Way!
When was the last time that you felt heard? I think that we assume that we listen well, but I’ve found that listening can take a lot of effort. It’s so important to consider what another person says. Right now, gathered at the Vatican, are 460 bishops, priests, religious, and 70 non-ordained lay people (half are women!) who can vote at the unprecedented summit. This has never happened before in the history of the Church!
The Wilderness, the Quiet and God’s Voice
In 1 Kings we read about the Prophet Elijah at a cave on Mt. Horeb. His life had been threatened and he was at the end of his rope. He felt the unrelenting, fierce wind, then an earthquake and finally fire. Then, unexpectedly, Elijah hears “a sound of minute stillness,” the tiny whispering of a light breeze…