Happy Birthday, My Loves
Birthday, God's Grace, Letting Go Jane Feliz Rush Birthday, God's Grace, Letting Go Jane Feliz Rush

Happy Birthday, My Loves

My adult children (twins) turn 21 this week. Time really does speed past us. I just want to yell, “Stop growing!” Except, that’s exactly what I want them to do. I’m realizing that my influence, while still real for them, has taken on a more mature nuance in our relationships. As they learn discernment and decide how best to love themselves, others and God, they gracefully listen to our advice, but then Doug and I have to step back and let them make their choices. They’ve done really well. And I’m not afraid to admit that they teach me to grow, too.

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Goodnight House: The Weeds Among the Wheat
Mercy, Grace, Letting Go Jane Feliz Rush Mercy, Grace, Letting Go Jane Feliz Rush

Goodnight House: The Weeds Among the Wheat

I recently helped clean out my childhood home. It was both bittersweet and healing as I walked through the empty rooms with only clutter remaining. My dad, at 91, finally moved into assisted living. With a sense of relief and gratitude from all ten of his children, he has surrendered to the care of others while he holds on to what independence he can. I have to believe that being cared for can offer him healing, too.

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