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The Cornerstone: Amazing in Our Eyes
The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone and it is amazing in our eyes! How can kerygma, proclaiming the Good News, teach us to be the cornerstone? How can we see the world, each other and ourselves with Easter eyes-facing truth and standing hopeful in the midst of rejection, just as Jesus was and is rejected for weakness that is our strength and joy?
To Be Real, Allow Your Feet To Be Washed
In John’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us to wash the feet of others, even through misunderstanding or betrayal. Do we also allow others to wash our feet? If we can do both things, wash and be washed by others, we will be transformed by the love of Christ.
A Divided Heart Made Whole
How do I love the Lord our God with all my heart, my soul and my strength? With so many things that can divide my heart, I can turn back to God and balance the important relationships in my life through practicing contemplative prayer.
Live & Pray with Your Whole Heart
Return to me with your whole heart. We hear this throughout Lent and we strive to return to God every day. How can we live and pray with our whole hearts? Contemplative prayer can help us to live wholehearted lives.
4 Stones to Drop this Lent
Through the story of the Woman Caught in Adultery in John’s Gospel, Jesus challenges us to drop the stones that prevent us from letting go of our need for control and our hesitancy to forgive. What stones do you struggle to drop?
How to Dance with the Holy Spirit
As a little girl, I loved to twirl. At 5, I felt the freedom and movement of a love far deeper than I could imagine. Can I feel that freedom and wonder even now? As part of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit still moves in my life and in yours.
Embracing Your Weaknesses Leads to Wonder
How can we embrace our weaknesses in order to humbly accept who we are and hold the world in wonder? Against the travails of hiking, St. Paul offers some insight to help us overcome our perfectionism and rely on God’s grace.
Considering How We Hear
Have you ever tried doing three things at once (streaming a show, writing an email and checking social media) only to find that you miss what is most important in the moment? What does it take to really hear what others are saying and to hear what God is saying to you?
WandaVision: Is Grief Love Persevering?
Through the engaging Marvel series, WandaVision, we journey through Wanda’s experience of grief and what it can teach us about cherishing life, sadness, and letting go of trying to control our worlds and emotions. In my mother’s death, I am finding peace.
3 Unexpected Things You Need to Know this Lent
You may know all the Catholic things about Lent: the ashes, the abstaining from meat, the giving up something, no “alleluias,” the fasting and giving alms. What you may not know is that none of this matters unless we know three unexpected things.