Happy Birthday, My Loves
My adult children (twins) turn 21 this week. Time really does speed past us. I just want to yell, “Stop growing!” Except, that’s exactly what I want them to do. I’m realizing that my influence, while still real for them, has taken on a more mature nuance in our relationships. As they learn discernment and decide how best to love themselves, others and God, they gracefully listen to our advice, but then Doug and I have to step back and let them make their choices. They’ve done really well. And I’m not afraid to admit that they teach me to grow, too.
The Masks We Wear
I used to give a high school retreat talk that described the “masks” that we wear to avoid revealing our true selves. They say, “I’m okay” or “I’m fine” or “I’m happy” when I’m really not. We all wear them from time to time. And we all need at least one person in our lives with whom we can take it off and just breathe.
Chasing a Squirrel
Buddy, our one-year-old golden retriever, knows how to live in the present. When I’m feeling brave, I’ll go for a run with him at our local state park. While running helps me to be in the present, my attempt is nothing compared to Buddy’s ability to spot a falling leaf that happens to cross his path triggering a hot pursuit. Worse yet, he’ll chase a chipmunk scurrying across the road.
Church Renewal: Welcome to the Synodal Way!
When was the last time that you felt heard? I think that we assume that we listen well, but I’ve found that listening can take a lot of effort. It’s so important to consider what another person says. Right now, gathered at the Vatican, are 460 bishops, priests, religious, and 70 non-ordained lay people (half are women!) who can vote at the unprecedented summit. This has never happened before in the history of the Church!
Realizations, God’s Grace & Moving Forward
We heard on Sunday from Isaiah (55:6-9) who professed God’s words: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.” Where’s the certainty, the solved problem or resolved issue?
Todos, Todos, Todos!
“Repite conmigo: Todos, todos, todos.” (“Repeat with me: Everyone, everyone, everyone.”) Pope Francis proclaimed this message to 1.5 million young people at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal this past August. He later emphasized that the church is open to everyone, including “the sick, the elderly, the young, old, ugly, beautiful, good and bad.”
Taking the Baptismal Plunge
In baptism, we go from death to life. We die to our old selves and we rise from the waters as new creations, sharing in the rising of Christ. For even Jesus was baptized. As it is now, we sometimes renew our baptismal promises together in community because we so easily forget our baptismal call.
Goodnight House: The Weeds Among the Wheat
I recently helped clean out my childhood home. It was both bittersweet and healing as I walked through the empty rooms with only clutter remaining. My dad, at 91, finally moved into assisted living. With a sense of relief and gratitude from all ten of his children, he has surrendered to the care of others while he holds on to what independence he can. I have to believe that being cared for can offer him healing, too.
The Wilderness, the Quiet and God’s Voice
In 1 Kings we read about the Prophet Elijah at a cave on Mt. Horeb. His life had been threatened and he was at the end of his rope. He felt the unrelenting, fierce wind, then an earthquake and finally fire. Then, unexpectedly, Elijah hears “a sound of minute stillness,” the tiny whispering of a light breeze…
Barbie, Discernment & Synodality
Painfully and joyfully, because life encounters both, Barbie discovers that her real purpose is not so clear nor is it perfect. This leads to a revelation that things must change in order for us to grow.