I found I had less and less to say, until finally, I became silent, and began to listen. I discovered in the silence, the voice of God.

-Soren Kierkegaard

Walking together with wonder and hope, open to the Holy Spirit and guided by Scripture and our shared Catholic Tradition, we will take a “long, loving look at the real.”

— Walter Burghart, SJ

The Blog

Midweek Musings

Join me for a Gospel encounter

that is relevant. contemplative. real. joyful. true. resourceful. inclusive. beyond fear-driven discourse. big-picture minded through the lens of Scripture and rich T/tradition of the Church, Catholic Social Teaching, Vatican II, with respect for the vision of Pope Francis.

Join me as we learn to discern

what is good, true and beautiful. A resource for ALL who desire Metanoia (conversion of heart and mind toward God) as beloved children of God. For catechists and educators searching for refreshed ways to teach the Gospel and magisterial teachings of the Church.

Join me as we begin a synodal path

toward dialogue and respect for the other as we “walk together” with the community of believers on the road to clarified revelation in Jesus Christ.